2023 artist statement update
In my practice I use creation through tactility and play to find the things that
make me (and maybe you) feel connected. Right now the base of my interests lie in
relationships between people and the connection to our bodies relating to their
surroundings. While making art, I feel the relationship of my body with the material very
deeply; this is a feeling a lot of artists can understand I think. I don’t want this
connection with the material to be lost when the work is finished. I want you (the
person interacting with the art) to complete the art, because in that lies one of
the biggest truths for me. In our relationships with each other we are complete,
without relations we are not much.
Also in this basic longing of connection through art, material and giving the
freedom to touch lies a deeper meaning: of giving freedom to explore and find
new small perspective changes that can bring childlike fun of exploring your
surroundings anew. Recently I’ve been trying to implement little suggestions of
actions and language in my works; to call on associations of little memories in
the all togetherness of being a being and lean on the quirky and funny little
moments of existence.
| thuis |